Thursday, November 23, 2017

Ghost Cards in the Tarot

Having already explained Echo cards in tarot layouts here, I thought it was a good time to talk about Ghost cards, so what exactly are these cards. These are cards that hold a shadow of meaning in nearly every reading but are not the same or even a single card. Ghost cards set the tone of a reading, they become apparent when a number of layouts seem to carry the same theme. Interpreting the cards can still hold accuracy for the question asked, but within this a theme keeps coming up which is related to card content rather than meaning.

For example if you notice in a single layout that there are a number of cards with stars, mountains, archways or clouds, these hold significance (check out Learn Tarot for card symbolism, please note that symbols are not tarot specific and references are often found in oracle cards also), for that reading and are often ignored by readers. In a single layout they will show underlying issues or present a behaviour, belief or aspect of your life that needs redirecting.

When ghost cards present themselves over a number of readings or layouts, they have an even greater significance. These cards offer a rich and specific addition by revealing the hidden aspects that are driving situations in an ongoing fashion, the issues may change but the driving force behind them doesn't necessarily. In that respect, ghost cards can be seen as soul cards, they target those parts of your character, personality or understanding, that need to be evolved to change your experience in day to day life. This is particularly valuable where you find life recycling challenging patterns and/or you feel you just keep making the same mistakes and don't understand why. Ghost cards are not individual like Echo cards but a number of cards over a series of layouts. It is likely you will find cards with clouds, for example, in most readings, but when you notice a number of cloud cards in a layout or repeatedly showing up over a number of readings, you are seeing Ghost cards.

You are looking for the elements of pictorials in the cards, that can be planetary references, say Pluto keeps popping up, or planets in general it is a good idea to look into the meaning and work out the relevance in your life. As a reader if you notice mountains repeated in cards over a number of readings for someone or yourself, it might be time to suggest the querant doesn't need to do everything the hard way, and work through the process of manifestation, listening to advice or even doing their homework before committing to things. People without concerns don't get readings, that means every reading will offer clues beyond the situation, position, question or overall card meaning. Looking for ghost cards will take your readings to a whole new level, add echo cards and you will find a wealth of information that personalizes the information relating it specifically to that persons life. 

#VictorianTarot  #SacredSoulsOracle  #LearnTarot

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Healing the Past

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Echo Cards in Tarot

An echo card is one that keeps popping up in readings and card draws, sometimes driving you nuts with its regular appearances. I call them echo cards because your life energy is bouncing back at you, trying to catch your attention. Echo cards usually accompany some sort of lesson or offers information that you need to understand to be able to learn from it and move on or forward. They are without a doubt a sign that you are missing something vital to your emotional, spiritual, physical or mental well-being.
We have what I describe as ‘calling of the higher mind’. This is the part of yourself that knows exactly what is causing problems or blocks to the things you need for yourself. Often over time the echo card loses context and becomes difficult to interpret depending on the nature of the layout and question. Even readers will interpret this card differently as they are unaware that it keeps turning up like a bad penny. Here is a method for shifting the energy and receiving the intended message as your higher self wants you to.

  • ·         Shuffle your deck . How many times and however long is completely up to you.  
  •        Turn your deck over, fan the cards and find your echo card.
  • ·         The card to the left of your echo card is position one.
  • ·         The card to the right of your echo card is position two.

Position 1: this is the reason that this card keeps showing up in readings and draws. Take the time to really understand this card. Please note you can ask a professional to do this type of layout for you to get objectivity. In essence the Echo card becomes a significator representing personal energy. It is never a card of external influences but is likely to address a behaviour you have, i.e. not paying bills, not telling the truth, not communicating, spending too much and so on.
Position 2: This is what you need to do, no denials or eye rolling please. You don’t have to do what this card instructs, but you do need to acknowledge your role in creating cycles for yourself. Usually it is denial and refusal that keeps a pattern going, sometimes for years, but without doubt somewhere within your consciousness, you do know what could change everything. Everyone has heard the saying, “only a madman expects different results while doing the same old thing.

If the echo card comes out as a first or last card, simply reshuffle and fan the cards face up again. 
#VictorianTarot #SacredSoulsOracle #LearnTarot

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Hypnosis: The Way to Success

Hypnosis is not a mind control mechanism, in fact that couldn't be further from the truth. By using certain words and symbols, blockers and triggers help you to cut through a belief that holds you back, conversely they can push you forward in areas of development easily and quickly. I see it as a team effort and with a 96% success rate in my practice, taking the time to consult properly and individualizing any script is key to bringing an individual into active participation.

While it may be a lovely way to create changes, essentially you lay down, relax and rest during the process, it is also speedy. If you have never been hypnotized before you may need to listen to any recording a few times to make sure you are in. All live sessions take 1 1/2 hours, with about 30 minutes being the time of gaining information, working out where the problem areas are and finding the best style of hypnosis to ensure success. Recordings don't give the luxury of either a consultation or reframing verbal cues so it is fairly common to need to listen a few times. 30 minutes, relax = result

How do you make sure you will have success? firstly be clear about what the problem is, i have a few weight loss hypnosis downloads, one for overeating, one for motivation and eating, as well as the 21 day hypno diet for those who have had a long term problem and will, no doubt, have emotional and confidence issues related to personal image and weight loss. Take the time to think about the best or closest hypnosis strategy, and if you need to listen to a couple of different recordings to cover all the bases then do so. (these are cheap enough to make that an easy option) In live sessions I provide one off solutions, but there are times when a program is required so that each session addresses specific issues, while all the time heading toward the prime goal.

Dorothy's Hypnotherapy Downloads

It is noticeable that more and more people are struggling with letting go of past relationships, possibly due to the 50/50 nature of commitment these days. Release Past Relationships can quickly get you back on track and focused on positive future relationships. If you find yourself attaching again and again or holding feelings for someone fairly remote in your life (ie facebook friend or distant someone) you might want to look at Change Habits or do both.

If you feel blocked in any area of your life, Three Gates gives a glimpse into and a way past what holds you back, it is fairly common to not understand what the hold up is, which makes this a powerful hypnosis for tortured souls and those who have not worked out the core issues that can project out from a distant past.

Live sessions can be in person or via skype, but if you want to take the download route, you just need to be sure you are grabbing the right series, contact me if you want to discuss the best options related to that based on your needs and you will be successful. Give hypnosis a go, it is an amazing tool to have in your armoury, and let's not forget there are other wonderful effects for many, better sleep, less anxiety and for a few snoring dissipates which indicates it may be an anxious thing for some.